Ethno Brazil

The Ethno Brazil festival promotes the cultural immersion of young musicians from all over the world. The action is carried out through the international partnership established between Sustenidos and JMI (Jeunesses Musicales International), an institution that has been promoting Ethno in 18 countries for nearly 30 years.

Ethno appeared in Sweden in 1990 with the mission of keeping cultural traditions alive for young generations through a musical camp. Starting with workshops and shows, Ethno was suposed to promote dialogue between cultures and spreading concepts such as peace, tolerance, respect, generosity and understanding.

Sharing the same space, participants share also music, traditions and cultures. Together, they hold workshops in which one teaches others the traditional songs of their own country. In workshops led by artistic leaders, young people have the opportunity to rehearse, create arrangements and perform. In essence, Ethno is a democratic way of learning with a non-formal pedagogy that has been refined over the years. In Ethno, one learns music by listening.The program culminates in a series of concerts, which may be stand-alone or connected to a larger festival. Across the world, Ethno concerts are respected for virtuosity and positivity. The first edition of Ethno Brazil was held in 2018, with the participation of 25 musicians, from 18 to 30 years.