Who we are

Sustenidos – Socio-cultural Organization

Sustenidos is an NGO, a Social Organization, and a reference for creating, implementing, and managing culture public policies. Recently, the Organization assumed the management of Conservatório de Tatuí and Complexo do Theatro Municipal de São Paulo, and it has been managing Guri Project from 2004 to 2021. 

Conservatório de Tatuí is a school of arts and music maintained by the government of São Paulo state, through the Culture and Creative Economy Secretary, and through sponsorships from companies. The management of the Complexo Theatro Municipal follows the Brazilian legislation of Social Organization, according to a convocation established by the Culture City Secretary and City Hall of São Paulo. 

Sustenidos also implement special projects related to music festivals, exchange students, events, and programs for promoting musical formation all over Brazilian territory. Musicou, Move, Ethno, and Imagine Brazil are examples of these projects. The main objective of its projects is to potentialize aesthetic, affective, motor, cognitive, and social dimensions among children, teens, and youth, ensuring sociability, and promoting access to musical and artistic diversity. 

International Collabs

International collaborations within other organizations are also essential for our projects. One of the most important partnerships is established with Jeunesses Musicales Internationales (JMI), a belgian NGO created in 1945, dedicated to the musical development of youth and present in 70 countries. 

Prizes and Recognition

Sustenidos won, in 2018, the nomination of Best Culture NGO – the prize is the most famous recognition for ngos in Brazil. In 2021, Sustenidos won the certification Selo Doar a+, which evaluates the organization Management and Transparency values and processes.